London International Disputes Week event


Event Details

5th Jun 2024
08:00 - 10:30
Gatehouse Chambers, Gray's Inn, 1 Lady Hale Gate, London WC1X 8BS

Event Information

The CIArb London Branch, Freeths LLP and Gatehouse Chambers invite you to join us for this London International Disputes Week event. Freeths LLP and Gatehouse Chambers are kindly sponsoring. Gatehouse Chambers is kindly hosting.

This panel will continue the debate and reflection among the international arbitration community on behavioural standards for lawyers provoked by recent developments and cases. In particular, to what extent can and should tribunals, courts and/or regulators police lawyer conduct in international arbitrations?

Panels and Timings:

In Person Registration & Coffee (0800-0830)

Online Registration (0830)

Introduction (0830-0835)

Panel Discussion (0835-0940)

Concluding remarks (0940-0945)

Refreshments and networking until 1030


There will be no charge to attend this event, whether in-person or online, but prior registration is required, and limited in-person spaces are available.

Please contact Elinor Pritchard by email (see details below). If you are registering for online attendance, Elinor will then send the zoom link.


Elinor Pritchard, Administrator, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, London Branch:

Tel: 00 44 (0)208 546 2613

Mob: 00 44 (0)7780 676976


Full bios of all speakers will be available here:

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