Webinar - A conversation with Dr Michael Hwang SC


Event Details

16th Jul 2024
12:00 - 13:00

Event Information

The Young Members Group (YMG) of the Ciarb London Branch is pleased to host this webinar with Dr Michael Hwang SC. The webinar will discuss Dr Hwang’s distinguished career as counsel, arbitrator and judge and his views on topical issues affecting international arbitration. The aim of the webinar is also to draw on

Dr Hwang’s extensive experience to provide younger practitioners with guidance on developing the right skills to pursue a career in commercial law and arbitration.

Questions can be submitted online during the seminar.

Moderated by: Robert Price (Partner, Latham & Watkins LLP) and Elizabeth Montpetit (Partner, Taylor Wessing LLP)

There will be no charge to attend this event, but prior registration is required.
Please click here to complete the registration for the event.

The YMG Ciarb London Branch Executive Committee members:
Mark McMahon (mmcmahon@stewartslaw.com); Anna Hoffman (ahoffmann@4pumpcourt.com); Elizabeth Montpetit (e.montpetit@taylorwessing.com); Robert Price (Robert.Price@lw.com), Fatima Malik (fatimamalik313@gmail.com); and Natalia Otlinger (natalia.otlinger@hfw.com).

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