Election of Branch Committee Members for the CIArb London Branch

Posted 19th Feb, 2022

Dear London Branch Member,

The Annual General Meeting of the CIArb London Branch will take place on Wednesday 20th April 2022.

Please find below a letter from the London Branch Honorary Secretary, Karina Albers, inviting you to nominate a branch member as a candidate for election to the Branch Committee, together with the nomination form for election. Completed forms should be returned by email by Monday 7th March 2022. Nomination Form can be downloaded below.

18 February 2022

Dear Branch Member,

Election of Branch Committee Members for the CIArb London Branch

1. Retirements from the CIArb London Branch Committee

At the CIArb London Branch Annual General Meeting to be held on Wednesday 20 April 2022, five elected members of the CIArb London Branch Committee will retire in accordance with the CIArb Branch Model Rules.

The following elected Committee members are retiring at the AGM:

James Clanchy*

Abigail Day*

Ben Giaretta

Jean-Francois Le Gal*

Kim Franklin QC*

* James Clanchy, Abigail Day, Jean-Francois Le Gal and Kim Franklin QC, having served only one term, are eligible to stand for re-election this year.

2. Election of new CIArb London Branch Committee members

Following the retirements as set out above, there will be ten elected Committee members remaining on the CIArb London Branch Committee, meaning there will be vacancies for up to five new elected Committee members.

You are hereby invited to nominate a Branch member as a candidate for election to the CIArb London Branch Committee. Any paid-up CIArb member with a billing address registered with the CIArb which is in the geographical area covered by the London Branch is eligible to (i) nominate a candidate or (ii) stand for election themselves. The term of office will be for two to three years, as determined by the requirement in the CIArb Branch Rules for one-third of the elected Committee members to retire each year. Normally a Committee member may stand for re-election at the end of their first term.

I enclose a Nomination Form, which must be completed and returned to me, by email (arbitration@karinaalbers.com) by 7 March 2022.

The timetable for the process is as follows (in each case, where documents are to be delivered, that should be by 5 pm on the relevant day):

Monday 7 March 2022 Completed Nomination Forms to be returned to the Honorary Secretary.

An election will be required if there are more candidates than available positions on the Branch Committee. The names of all nominated candidates will be published on the Branch’s website.

Monday 14 March 2022 Date by which candidates may withdraw or, with their consent, be withdrawn

Thursday 17 March 2022 If an election is required, candidates must send a manifesto to the Honorary Secretary by this date. The manifesto should compromise a 1-page CV for the candidate and a 1-page statement as to why they are seeking election.

Monday 21 March 2022 Voting papers and manifestos of candidates will be sent out to Branch members and published on the branch website. The voting papers will contain information about how to vote.

Tuesday 12 April 2022 Closing date for CIArb London Branch members to vote.

Friday 15 April 2022 Election results are delivered to the CIArb London Branch Chair.

Wednesday 20 April 2022 The result of the election will be announced at the CIArb London Branch AGM. The new Committee members will take up their positions on the Branch Committee at the conclusion of the AGM.

I look forward to receiving your nominations.

Yours sincerely

Karina Albers

Honorary Secretary

CIArb London Branch

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